Excelencia Policy Fellows

2024 Seven Policy Fellows


Excelencia in Education chose seven higher education professionals for the 2024 cohort of Policy Fellows. They come from trendsetting colleges and universities that have earned the Seal of Excelencia, a national certification for institutions that go beyond enrollment to intentionally SERVE Latino students across key areas of data, practice, and leadership.

Over the last 20 years, Excelencia has worked to transform higher education with the understanding that good policy is informed by good practice. We also seek to amplify Latino voices to inform higher education policy at the national level.

2024 Policy Fellows Learning

Our second cohort of Policy Fellows will draw from their expertise at the campus level to engage Excelencia’s policy agenda at the national level. They will create a community of learning and practice by sharing their perspectives in national conversations about affordability, institutional capacity, retention and transfer, and workforce preparation to accelerate Latino student success. 

2024 Policy Fellows

2024 Policy Fellow - Maria Ochoa

Maria Ochoa-Alvarez

Dean of Humboldt Park Vocational Education Center, City Colleges of Chicago – Wilbur Wright College 

2024 Policy Fellow - Ernesto Guerrero


Ernesto Guerrero

Assistant Vice President for Student Success and Retention, California State University Channel Islands

2024 Policy Fellow - Daniel C. Vélez


Daniel C. Vélez

Associate Vice President for Admissions and Recruitment, Grand Valley State University

2024 Policy Fellow - Sonia De La Torre


Sonia De La Torre

Dean, Student Equity, Long Beach City College


2024 Policy Fellow - Zodet Negrón


Zodet Negrón

Executive Director of Public Relations, Mercy University


2024 Policy Fellow - Fernando Chapa


Fernando Chapa

Dean for Institutional Research, Effectiveness, and Strategic Planning, South Texas College


2024 Policy Fellow - Claudia Hernandez


Claudia Hernández

Chief of Staff to the President, University at Albany, SUNY