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Texas Woman's University

Carine Feyten

Chancellor and President

Institution website: 

Bio Page:

Carine Feyten is Chancellor and President of Texas Woman's University and a President for Latino Student Success.

Carine Feyten, Chancellor and President, Texas Woman's University
Seal of Excelencia Certified 2023-2026

Seal of Excelencia Certified Institution: 2023-2026

Texas Woman’s University (TWU), the nation’s first woman-focused university system, enrolls 10,150 undergraduate students, of whom 34% are Latino students and 56% are Pell Grant recipients. TWU’s academic and student life missions together is the overarching vision of a university experience that develops the whole person. Built on the cornerstones of experiential learning and leadership development, TWU aims to graduate thriving individuals who have a strong sense of community, health, prosperity, and purpose.

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