Geronimo M. Rodriguez Jr.
Former Chief Advocacy Officer
Ascension Texas
Geronimo M. Rodriguez Jr. most recently served as Chief Advocacy Officer for Ascension Texas, part of Ascension, one of the leading non-profit and Catholic healthcare systems in the United States. At Ascension Texas, he was responsible for Texas’ Advocacy, Community Investment, Human Trafficking, Hospital Based Violence Intervention, and Medical Response Unit. He is the first person in his family to graduate from high school, college, and law school. Over the past 25 years he has consistently served his community in a variety of capacities, including board service on multiple national, state, and local non-profit organizations focused on board governance, fiduciary, and leadership issues. He currently serves on the St. Edward’s University Board of Trustees, the Austin Community Foundation Board of Governors, and the Hector and Gloria Lopez Foundation Board of Directors.
He has held positions in two presidential administrations, serving as Deputy Associate Director and later Acting Associate Director in the White House Office of Presidential Personnel where he was responsible for recommending a third of the President’s senior-level appointments. He was also responsible for advising senior White House staff on appointments affecting the Hispanic community. Additionally, he has served in the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs and in the East Wing Office of Congressional Affairs where he helped in legislative preparations for the Seattle Round of the World Trade Organization Ministerial Conference. He also served in the U.S. Department of Labor as Counsel to the Solicitor, helping oversee U.S. labor and employment laws and Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary for Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs.