Puerto Rican and Latin@ Studies Project
University of Connecticut
Academic Level:
Issue Area:
Academic Program
Program Focus:
Career/Workforce, Discipline/Subject
Key Personnel:
Lisa Werkmeister-Rozas
Contact Info:
lisa.werkmeister_rozas@uconn.edu | 959.200.3654
The mission of the Puerto Rican and Latin@ Studies Project is to help prepare social workers to serve individuals, groups, families, and organizations within Latin@ communities. Through research, teaching, and service to increase the advancement of knowledge and research regarding Puerto Rican and Latin@ matters.
Program Description
The current educational endeavors are to provide a Puerto Rican Latin@ Studies curriculum that prepares masters level social work students, to work competently with this diverse population. The program recruits Puerto Rican and Latin@ students to the University of Connecticut School of Social Work. While in the program, they are offered advice and mentorship to successfully complete their MSW degree, an exchange program with the University of Puerto Rico, training to and collaboration with social service providers offering services to Puerto Rican and Latino client systems, advance knowledge, and research findings on issues that affect Puerto Ricans and other Latin@ groups on local and national levels.
The school successfully graduates, on average, 23 Latino/a MSWs every year. This graduation rate exceeds the national average of all MSW programs. The Puerto Rican and Latin@ Studies Project faculty offers a 9 credit certificate awarded to students successfully completing the Puerto Rican/Latino substantive area of study, and a year internship (560 hours) working with a Latino population since 1982. Within the last five years, on average, 20 students graduated with this Certificate in the substantive area. However, the enrollment for the classes is approximately 40 students for the semester. The project's recruitment efforts yield the School a pool of 15-20 Latino/a students for the academic year in the Masters level, and 8 Latino/a alumni have enrolled in the Ph.D. program.