Latino College Completion - Texas


Nationally, the gap in degree completion between Latinos and their White peers has increased. However, different patterns emerge within each state or location. To reach the Latino degree attainment goal by 2030, states can close the degree completion gap by accelerating Latino completion while increasing for all students and scale up programs and initiatives that work for Latino, and all, students.

To find out more, scroll below.


Degree Attainment for Latino Students (2021), Texas

Of Latino adults (25 and over) had earned an associate degree or higher
of White adults

Texas Fast Facts

Texas had the 2nd largest Latino population in the U.S.

Latino Population

K-12 Population
Total Population

Median Age


2-Year Graduation Rate

Latino Students
White Students

4-Year Graduation Rate

Latino Students
White Students

Degree Outcomes

At two-year institutions, Hispanics' graduation rate was 1%-points higher than that of their White non-Hispanic peers in Texas.

At four-year institutions, Hispanics' graduation rate was 12%-points lower than that of their White non-Hispanic peers in Texas.

Latino College Completion Degree Outcomes

Top Texas Institutions

Enrolling: Top Institutions (Hispanic Undergraduates) in Texas, 2021-2022

Rank Institution Sector Grand Total Hispanic Total % Hispanic
1 The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Public, 4-year or above 26402 24721 94%
2 Lone Star College System Public, 4-year or above 49093 21610 44%
3 El Paso Community College Public, 2-year 24423 20891 86%
4 South Texas College Public, 4-year or above 19668 18737 95%
5 Dallas College Public, 4-year or above 42033 18737 45%

Associates Degrees: Top Institutions Awarding to Hispanics in Texas, 2020-2021

Rank Institution Sector Grand Total Hispanic Total % Hispanic
1 Dallas College Public, 4-year or above 9786 4456 46%
2 South Texas College Public, 4-year or above 3918 3771 96%
3 Lone Star College System Public, 4-year or above 8409 3359 40%
4 El Paso Community College Public, 2-year 3457 2951 85%
5 San Jacinto Community College Public, 4-year or above 4991 2874 58%

Bachelors Degrees: Top Institutions Awarding to Hispanics in Texas, 2020-2021

Rank Institution Sector Grand Total Hispanic Total % Hispanic
1 The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Public, 4-year or above 4924 4598 93%
2 The University of Texas at San Antonio Public, 4-year or above 6262 3672 59%
3 The University of Texas at El Paso Public, 4-year or above 3910 3251 83%
4 University of Houston Public, 4-year or above 8817 3136 36%
5 Texas A & M University-College Station Public, 4-year or above 13092 3063 23%

Examples of What Works for Latino Students

Here are some institutions showing success in enrolling, retaining, and graduating Latino students:


Excelencia in Education. (2020). Ensuring America’s Future: Benchmarking Latino College Completion to 2030. Excelencia in Education. Washington, D.C.

U.S. Census Bureau, 2021 American Community Survey 1-Year Estimates.

Excelencia in Education Analysis using the U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), 2021 Fall Enrollment, Graduation Rates Survey and Institutional Characteristics Survey.