Latinos in Higher Education: 2024 Compilation of Fast Facts
Excelencia in Education
April 2024

Excelencia in Education's latest analysis builds on previous compilations of fact sheets to provide a detailed profile on Latino students and the institutions where they choose to enroll to inform policy and mobilize action. For 20 years, Excelencia has led the way through innovative, collaborative, and actionable efforts to accelerate Latino student success in higher education throughout the United States. The fact sheets included in this compilation illustrate these efforts and inform Excelencia’s four policy priorities: affordability, institutional capacity, retention and transfer, and workforce preparation.
Across this compilation, it is apparent that Latinos and the institutions where they choose to enroll face clear opportunities for action.
Stay tuned for updated analysis on how Latino students pay for college in February 2025.
Consider the following:
Latinos …
…are more likely to be the first in their family to attend college than any other racial group.
…are more likely to receive the federal Pell Grant and are less likely to take out student loans to pay for college.
…have the highest labor force participation rate compared to all other racial groups but are more likely to be represented in occupations with lower salaries.
Institutions serving Latinos…
…are predominantly Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), educating 63% of all Latinos in the nation while representing 20% of all postsecondary institutions.
…are Seal of Excelencia certified institutions, graduating Latinos at a higher rate than institutions nationally.
Table of Contents
This section provides an overview of the evolving profile of Latino students in higher education, including Latino males, Latinas, adult learners, and students in Puerto Rico.
This section provides an overview of the institutions enrolling and SERVING Latino students, including institutions within Excelencia’s Presidents for Latino Student Success (P4LSS) network, Seal of Excelencia certified institutions, the top 25 institutions awarding credentials/degrees to Latino students (by award level) and primarily associate degree-granting baccalaureate (PAB) institutions.
This section outlines the pragmatic choices Latino students make to pay for their college education: by using grant aid like the Pell Grant or working while enrolled.
This section describes the current landscape of HSIs and federal funding available with the purpose of building the capacity of HSIs to expand the educational opportunities for, and improve the attainment of, their Latino students.
WORKFORCEThis section provides an overview of Latinos in the workforce, including their representation across occupations and earnings. This section also provides an overview of Latinos’ representation in STEM, health, and education occupations.
*Data on page 9 of this compilation were updated on May 30, 2024
*Data on page 22 of this compilation were updated on September 25, 2024
Suggested Citation:
Santiago, D., Arroyo, C., & Cuellarsola, L. (April 2024). Latinos in Higher Education: 2024 Compilation of Fast Facts. Washington, D.C.: Excelencia in Education.
Made possible with the support and public leadership of 24 Seal of Excelencia certified institutions: