Technical Assistance Opportunities for Institutional Capacity
Excelencia in Education’s mission is to accelerate Latino student success in higher education. We are committed to significantly increasing the number of Latino students earning college degrees by 2030 in partnership with institutions.
To support and reinforce institutional capacity to more intentionally serve, Excelencia has created a technical assistance strategy to meet institutions where they are in their transformation journey. Excelencia’s technical assistance offers institutional teams the time and space to learn and share strategies that advance institutional efforts to align data, practice, and leadership as a community of learners and practice committed to more intentionally SERVING their Latino, and all, students.

The learning and knowledge gained through Excelencia's technical assistance builds momentum for change as institutions transform into learning environments where Latino, and all, students thrive.
As a trusted and respected convener, Excelencia's technical assistance opportunities offer institutional teams of five members:
Interactive sessions by subject matter specialists, policy makers, researchers, and leaders in higher education;
Asset-based discussions on data, practice, leadership, and policy with a Latino lens;
Learning and networking environments with other institutions as cohorts to build communities of common cause and practice sharing experiences, strategies, practices, strengths, and opportunities;
Dedicated time and space for teams to reflect and develop tactical action plans for campus-wide implementation; and
Continued engagement, learning, and sharing on journey to more intentionally SERVE Latino, and all, students with peer teams as part of a cohort at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up sessions after each institute.
For 2025, Excelencia offers the following technical assistance institutes to build and support institutional capacity:
Data Institute: 2-day in-person institute on June 3-4.*
Evidence-Based Practices Institute: 2-day in person institute on June 3-4.*
Data Virtual Institute: 3 virtual modules on August 5, 12, and 19.
Evidence-Based Practices Virtual Institute: 3 virtual modules on October 14, 21, and 28.
Aligning Data, Practice and Leadership Institute: 2-day in-person institute on November 5-6.
* The in-person Data Institute and Evidence-Based Practices Institute will be two tracks of a national convening, ALASS Institute (Accelerating Latino Student Success), that will offer opportunities to engage across teams and tracks such as plenaries and communities of practice.
All institutes will have three virtual follow-up sessions at the 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month milestones after each institute. All institutes have limited space so it’s essential to apply early. Additional information and application links can be found here for each institute.
For institutions exploring how to authentically and intentionally SERVE their students by deconstructing the “S” as Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) or emerging HSIs, Excelencia is offering cohort-based opportunities to self-assess with a Latino lens using our Seal Serving Institutional Transformation Assessment (SSITA):
Spring Cohort: virtual sessions on April 10 and May 8.
Summer Cohort: virtual sessions on July 10 and August 7.
Fall Cohort: virtual sessions on September 11 and October 9.
A SSITA Intake form and additional information can be found here.
For institutions who have previously engaged in Excelencia institutes and completed a self-assessment, Excelencia is offering support to prepare for Seal of Excelencia certification in 2025:
Seal of Excelencia Certification Application Webinar: virtual on February 24 from 3-5pm ET. Register here.
Seal of Excelencia Certification Application Plática Series: 4 virtual conversations on April 9, 16, 23 and 30
For more information on these opportunities, please visit our webpage.
For more information or for any questions, please contact the Institutional Capacity Team at TechAid@EdExcelencia.org.
Click on the tabs below to explore.
Two options to choose from:
2-day in-person | June 3-4 @ 8:00-5:00pm CT each day @ Dallas College* | Application due date: April 15
3 virtual modules | August 5, 12, 19 @ 1:00-5:00pm ET each day | Application due date: July 1
Institute provides institutional teams opportunities to engage in collaborative learning to identify strengths, needs, and opportunities in leveraging disaggregated data to intentionally SERVE Latino students. With data foundational to the Seal of Excelencia framework and core to institutional transformation, the Institute is highly beneficial for institutions beginning their journey of intentionally serving Latino, and all, students. Institutional teams will:
Examine institutional capacity and infrastructure to disaggregate data to inform daily operations and decision-making;
Identify data literacy and coaching needs to create campus cultures of inquiry;
Advance strategic initiatives by examining the collection, usage, and dissemination of disaggregated data as means of accountability to intentionally SERVE Latino, and all, students.
Who benefits from this Institute?
Institute is most beneficial for institutions that are committed to exploring how to authentically and intentionally SERVE their students by deconstructing the “S” as Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) or emerging HSIs.
*The in-person Data Institute and Evidence-Based Practices Institute will be two tracks of a national convening, ALASS Institute (Accelerating Latino Student Success), that will offer opportunities to engage across teams and tracks such as plenaries and communities of practice.