Examples of Excelencia
Examples of Excelencia is the only national, data-driven effort to identify, aggregate, and promote evidence-based practices increasing Latino student success in higher education. These programs exemplify what is possible when higher education institutions and community-based organizations (CBO) intentionally serve Latino students on their journey to and through college.
Since 2005, Excelencia has received over 2,500 program submissions, recognized over 400 programs for their impact, and raised and awarded over $2 million to programs making a positive difference for Latino students across the country.
Submit your program for the 2025 Examples of Excelencia
Click here to share your program’s story on Latino student success. Sign up for our technical assistance events.
Looking to connect with program leaders recognized by Excelencia?
Search the Growing What Works Database (GWW Database) for others positively impacting Latino student outcomes. Excelencia’s GWW Database is the only national, searchable database for institutional leaders, funders, policymakers, and others interested in evidence-based programming for Latino students.
2024 Examples of Excelencia
Explore the work done by programs implementing intentional evidence-based practices to increase Latino student success:
English for Academic Purposes, Reading Area Community College (PA) - Associate Level
College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP, Washington State University (WA) - Baccalaureate Level
Project upGRADS, California State University, Fullerton (CA) - Graduate Level
Career Pathways: Empowering Students to Succeed, The Immokalee Foundation, Inc. (FL) - CBO Level
Visit What Works to learn about Examples of Excelencia and engage with programs making a positive difference.

Evidence-Based Practices That Work For Latino Students in Higher Education
Advancing What Works to Intentionally Serve Latino Students: Opportunities for Action - 2024 shows what is possible when programs and institutions meet student needs with intentionality. This publication curates 35 programs from over 200 programs in our Growing What Works (GWW) Database that serve Latino student success in asset-based ways.
Engage With What Works For Latino Students
Excelencia has tools and resources available that are designed to encourage program leaders to take inventory of their current programming:

Download the 2025 Examples of Excelencia program profile submission guide.
Connect with other program leaders recognized by Excelencia by searching the Growing What Works Database for programs with evidence of effectiveness in accelerating Latino student success.
Look up U.S. Latino College Completion with our national and state-by-state analysis of public data on enrollment, degree completion, degree attainment, and more.
Expand Your Knowledge about Examples of Excelencia
What works to improve the success of Latino students in higher education?
Examples of Excelencia is the only national data-driven effort to recognize programs at the associate, baccalaureate, graduate, and community-based organization levels with evidence of effectiveness in accelerating Latino student success.
How can evidence-based programs accelerate Latino student success?
Excelencia seeks to broaden the scope of knowledge surrounding effective practices for Latino students and bring attention to the noteworthy work that may be overlooked by traditional best-practices models. Evidence-based practices use data and storytelling to show student success in ways unique to each program— demonstrating what intentionally serving Latino students looks like at institutions and community-based organizations across the country.
How can I find programs having a positive impact on Latino student success?
Explore and connect with the programs in our Growing What Works Database, a free, online database designed to connect funders, policymakers, and other practitioners to evidence-based programs working for Latino students. Search today and connect to a program in your state, sector, academic discipline or issue area.
How does Excelencia find programs intentionally SERVING Latino students?
Annually Excelencia seeks out programs for Examples of Excelencia through a rigorous review of profile submissions that look at intentionality and positive impact in serving Latino students in higher education. The process launches with a national call for nominations and culminates in a public celebration of honored programs at Celebración de Excelencia. To learn more about the process visit our Examples of Excelencia submission portal.
How do I get started with Examples of Excelencia?
Ready to share your program’s story with a national audience for the 2025 Examples of Excelencia? Reach out to the Institutional Practices team today to learn more about convening opportunities for practitioners or how to get started with our evidence-based practices efforts.