Latinos in Higher Education: Compilation of Fast Facts

Latinos in Higher Education: Compilation of Fast Facts

Excelencia in Education
April 2019


Excelencia in Education accelerates Latino student success in higher education to address the U.S. economy’s need for a highly educated workforce for civic leadership. Policy must keep up with our country’s changing demographics to serve students.

This compilation includes fact sheets covering Excelencia's four policy priorities: affordability, institutional capacity, retention and transfer, and workforce preparation. In addition, the compilation covers the following topics: adult learners, enrollment and completion of Latinos in Puerto Rico, Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs), and the top 25 institutions awarding degrees to Latinos at every degree level.

Table of Contents:





  • Latino Pathways to College Completion
  • Latino College Enrollment and Completion: Top States
  • Top 25 Institutions Awarding Credentials/Degrees to Latinos:
    • Certificates
    • Associate
    • Baccalaureate
    • Master's
    • Doctorate
    • First Professional
  • Latinos and College Completion: Degrees Awarded 2016-2017
  • Latino Degree Attainment: 5 Year Overview


  • Latino Student Success and the Workforce
  • Life Outcomes After Graduation: A Focus on Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs)


Infographics to share:

Infographic-Associate Degree or Higher
Infographic-Where do Latino students attend college?
Infographic-Latino Degree Attainment UPDATED
Infographic-Amount Borrowed by Race and Ethnicity UPDATED
Infographic-Institutions of Higher Education in Puerto Rico UPDATED
Infographic-Title V Allowable Activities UPDATED