Master of Social Work (MSW) Program

"Congrats Social Work Grad" sign
The University of Texas at San Antonio
Academic Level
Issue Area
Academic Program
Key Personnel
Program Focus


The MSW program’s mission is to serve as a catalyst for transformative, culturally competent social work through research, education, and service within a local-global context. Program goals include:

  • Transformative social work: prepare social workers to be critically self-reflective, creative, flexible, open to possibilities, innovative and collaborative in order to engage in social work practice that catalyzes positive change for individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
  • Culturally competent practice: develop social workers specialized in culturally competent practice with diverse populations within a local-global context.

Program Description

Students learn to tackle society’s most challenging problems through intervention with individuals, groups, families, organizations, communities, and/or through addressing policy. The program design supports career development of first-generation, returning students, students working full-time, and curriculum emphasizes material relevant to Latino/a communities. Every student completes two 450-hour practicums, and students contribute 60,000+ service hours annually through community practicums. In 2017, the program organized the 2nd Binational Conference on Social Work, Human Rights, and Migration (co-hosted with RENIESTS –La Red Nacional de Instituciones de Educación Superior en Trabajo Social).


  • Average time-to-degree was 2.8 years for Latino/a MSW students, 3.0 for all MSW students (2018–2019).
  • In terms of social work competencies assessed by 3 reporters per student, the program shared the percent of students who met all competency benchmarks during the evaluation held prior to graduation. For academic years 2018-2020 percentages rates were 90% and above across all of the 9 competency areas.
  • Additionally, the rates increased across all 9 areas with ‘Engage in Policy Practice’ and ‘Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, & Communities’ being among the areas seeing the biggest increases.