Waukegan to College (W2C)

Waukeegan to College (W2C)
Waukegan to College
Academic Level
Community-Based Organization
Issue Area
Key Personnel
Program Focus
College Prep,
Parental/Family Engagement


Waukegan to College creates brighter futures for students, families and the community by preparing students to enroll in and graduate from college.  Established 2009, Waukegan to College became an independent non-profit in 2012.

Program Description

W2C provides many services to help students and families prepare for college including counseling, workshops, tutoring, SAT/ACT prep, math skill building with Khan Academy, Read to Achieve, college visits, Expanding Horizons, and one-on-one help with admissions applications and essays. Among the comprehensive set of services provided, W2C’s monthly counseling remains the cornerstone. Students are assigned an academic advisor who provides individualized support such as helping students take ownership of their futures, becoming accountable for their successes/failures, advocating for themselves, and assuming leadership roles. They also encourage students to step out of their comfort zones – to take honors/AP classes, to attend summer camps on college campuses, or to start clubs at school.


Improvement of academic performance

  • % of students who achieve 3.0+ gpa in math/ English: 93%/94%

College Matriculation

  • Average # of college applications per student: 12.4
  • Average # of college acceptances per student: 8.5
  • % of eligible students completing the FAFSA: 100%
  • % of students who enroll in a four-year college: 95% (5% at 2-year college)

College Persistence

  • Graduation rate:  77%