Programs and Initiatives - Latino Student Success

Programs + Initiatives

It is important that as we seek best practices in supporting Latina/o students on our campuses, or in developing and implementing policies that may affect millions of students, that our perspective be conscious of the diversity among us and context-specific experiences.

Desiree Zerquera, Assistant Professor, Department of Leadership Studies, University of San Francisco

We Promote Latino Student Success

Excelencia promotes Latino student success

Excelencia in Education believes the nation can make a measurable difference in increasing Latino student success in higher education by coming together and taking action. Participate in the following programs and initiatives:

  • have your institution join Presidents for Latino Student Success (P4LSS)
  • nominate programs for the annual Examples of Excelencia
  • learn about evidence-based programs in the Growing What Works database
  • attend the Celebración de Excelencia
  • invest in Excelencia’s programs and initiatives

A Community of Action

Professionals investing in Latino student success

Excelencia’s institutes, workshops and convenings provide forums for sharing knowledge on effective strategies for Latino student success. These opportunities engage leadership from multiple sectors to focus on Latino students as essential to America’s human capital growth. Our partnership model and asset-based focus on Latino students leads to public recognition of students, institutions, communities and leaders making significant progress in improving Latino student attainment.