Finding Your Workforce: STEM Release Cover

Finding Your Workforce: Latino Talent in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Excelencia in Education
March 2024


For 20 years, Excelencia in Education has served its mission to accelerate Latino student success in higher education in order to address the country’s need for a highly educated workforce and civic leadership. Finding Your Workforce: Latino Talent in STEM represents the latest extension of Excelencia’s hallmark work of bringing national attention to higher education institutions and practices advancing Latino talent, strengthening our economy, and ensuring America’s future.

Latinos are the nation’s fastest growing population and are shaping the nation’s workforce. By 2031, Latinos will account for 91 percent of new workers. Although more Latinos are entering the STEM workforce, they continue to be underrepresented in STEM occupations. In 2021, Latinos represented 18 percent of the nation’s workforce yet represented less than 10 percent of all STEM occupations–presenting an opportunity to strengthen the Latino STEM talent pipeline.

This brief presents Excelencia’s roadmap for both employers and institutions to take action to ensure America’s future by advancing Latino talent.

The top institutions awarding credentials to Latinos at each level in STEM are:

  • Dallas College in Texas (Certificate)
  • South Texas College in Texas (Associate)
  • Florida International University in Florida (Baccalaureate and Master’s)
  • University of Michigan-Ann Arbor in Michigan (Doctorate)

Strategies for institutions and employers to link Latino graduates to the workforce include:

  1. Invest in high-wage, high-demand career pathways by developing stackable credentials in collaboration with employers and funding short-term career programs.
  2. Provide transition services between completion and employment or graduate school, including financial and mental health support.
  3. Connect the Latino talent pipeline to employers by recruiting graduates for internal employment opportunities and leveraging partnerships with employers.


Suggested Citation: Santiago, D., Labandera, E., Arroyo, C., & Nour, S.R. (February 2024). Finding Your Workforce: Latino Talent in STEM. Washington, D.C.: Excelencia in Education.