2023 National Announcement of the Seal of Excelencia


Join us at 11:00am EDT on September 29 to watch the national announcement of the Seal of Excelencia. Find out which colleges and universities in America are earning the Seal of Excelencia certification and recertification, and joining a community of trendsetting colleges and universities intentionally serving Latino students, while serving all students.

CLICK HERE to learn more about Seal-certified institutions.

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Seal of Excelencia - Framework image

What is the Seal of Excelencia Framework?

To support and reinforce institutional capacity to intentionally serve, Excelencia developed a framework that integrates essential components of transformation into a comprehensive institutional strategy for SERVING students. This framework represents learning from over 20 years of working with higher education institutions. 

CLICK HERE to learn more about the framework.

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President For Latino Student Success - Web banner featuring presidents from the network


Presidents for Latino Student Success (P4LSS) is a diverse group of college and university presidents and chancellors who have committed to making their institutions learning environments where Latino students thrive. They are part of P4LSS and collaborate with Excelencia in Education to leverage collective expertise and resources, foster partnerships, and amplify current efforts at the national level.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the impact of Presidents for Latino Student Success.

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Ensuring Our Country’s Future

How does the Seal propel institutions, and the U.S., toward a brighter future? As the U.S. changes, so too must higher education. Latinos constitute the country’s fastest growing college-age population, and Seal-certified institutions not only retain and graduate Latino students, but support them to achieve their career ambitions after college. In fostering Latino talent, their efforts reinforce America’s future workforce and civic leadership.

CLICK HERE to hear more presidential perspectives about the Seal of Excelencia.


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